Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Replica guns

To buy a replica gun you'll need to provide proof of age such as showing a driving licence. You don't need a gun licence to own a replica, however retailers often only sell to members of gun clubs or people over eighteen. Single action replica guns offer gun enthusiasts the opportunity to take part in various games creating realistic scenes from battles, cowboy shoot-outs or even theatrical plays. Most replica guns don't actually fire projectiles although some can fire plastic pellets plus they have rotating cylinders, fire triggers and hammers.Replicas that fire plastic pellets use compressed air or spring pistons, they are safe and look like the real thing. Gas or electric powered guns are more expensive than spring loaded weapons and can be bought quite easily. These types of guns are used for competitions and training purposes. They emit low noises, can be high-powered and are usually fairly accurate when used for target practice.